paige's site

About Me

As you may be able to tell by the (admittedly bland) branding, my name is Paige! I'm interested in a lot of things in spurts, but as I type this page my primary interests are filmmaking, writing, and tabletop gaming. I'm also interested in music, free software, ancient history/antropology, and language. I try to have at least a cursory knowledge of as much stuff as I can, I think in general knowing things about the world is valuable, gratifying, and helpful. I try to hear all people out in debates, and take something from every perspective.

About This Site

"paige's site" is, obviously, my site! As explained on the home page the crux of this page is my blog; I have no set schedule nor theme for this blog, just whenever I want to tell a story or let loose some opinion or knowledge of mine into the world.

© paige 2022, hosted on neocities

This website and its contents are licensed under the Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International license.